Quantum rush: Denver-Boulder area aims to be the Silicon Valley of the future
Physicist Richard Feynman is credited with pioneering the idea of quantum computing in the 1980s. It’s come a long way since then. According to McKinsey, the four industries that are poised to see the biggest boost from quantum computing — automotive, chemicals, financial services and life sciences — are expected to reach $1.3 trillion in value by 2035.
Helping Colorado in the boom, the Biden-Harris administration recently designated the Denver-Aurora region as one of 31 “Tech Hubs” in the United States. This designation is part of a program to invest in regions with high potential for growth in key technology sectors.
Leading the charge to solidify Colorado’s position as a quantum leader is Elevate Quantum Colorado, a private-public consortium of more than 100 organizations including the University of Colorado Boulder and other higher education institutions, state and local governments, federal labs and private companies.
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