
July 8, 2024

St. Vrain Valley School District celebrates quantum hub funding

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July 8, 2024

St. Vrain Valley School District celebrates quantum hub funding

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St. Vrain Valley is celebrating the recent award of federal money to Colorado as the state develops a quantum technology hub, with the school district serving as a leader in the effort to build a quantum workforce pipeline

“It’s a really amazing effort that is going to translate into an incredible opportunity for our students and give St. Vrain the ability to lead in really important ways,” Superintendent Don Haddad said. “Students are going to have direct access to some multi-million dollar quantum labs and experts in the field.”

The Denver Post reported last week that Colorado is closer to becoming the center of the nation’s quantum technology universe with the award of $40.5 million in federal money, which will leverage $77 million in state commitments and ultimately could mean roughly $1 billion more in federal dollars for the region.

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